Information about your payment history, defaults or court judgments will stay on your credit file for six years. These details are always removed from your credit file after six years, even if the debt itself is still unpaid.
What information is included in my credit file?
What is my credit file?
Your credit file (also known as credit history or credit record) is put together by credit reference agencies from information shared by lenders and other relevant public information. The credit references agencies use this information to calculate your credit score. There is no industry standard for credit scores, so each agency uses slightly different information …
How much you can save by overpaying
Here are some examples to show you how much of a difference overpaying can make. An amount that you choose to pay on top of your usual payment Example The following examples use an outstanding balance of £80,000 over 10 years on an interest rate of 9.39%*. *These calculations are for illustrative purposes only and …
Ways to make an overpayment
We’ve made it as easy as possible for you to make overpayments:
Changing your payment due date
We can change your payment due date to be earlier or later (for example, to match the date you get paid), as long as the new date is within the same month.
Is this message from Landmark?
We’ve launched new interactive messaging services. These messages come from different telephone numbers to the ones we usually use to contact you. So that you’ll recognise them in future, you may want to add these numbers to your address book. The only personal information we’ll ever ask you for in an interactive message is your …
Loyalty rate
The Landmark Mortgages Loyalty Rate is a discount of 0.25% from our Standard Variable Rate and applies if you meet all of the following criteria: