- A copy of your new signature
- A copy of your old signature
We’ll also need one of the following documents:
- Marriage certificate
- Decree absolute
- Birth certificate
- Change of name deed/Deed Poll (known as Statutory Declaration in Scotland)
- Civil partnership certificate
In certain situations we may need some more information from you. If this is the case, we’ll let you know.
We don’t need to see original documents. We’ll accept copies which have been certified by a professional body, such as a:
- Solicitor or notary
- Chartered Accountant
- Bank or Building Society official
- Post Office counter staff
- Councillor
- Minister of religion
- Dentist or doctor
- Teacher or lecturer
We’re unable to accept documents certified by someone who is related to you (either by birth or marriage), living at the same address as you, or in a relationship with you.
The certified documents must:
- Include a handwritten statement by the certifying person, stating ‘certified to be a true copy of the original seen by me’
- Be signed and dated
- Have the certifying person’s full name printed under the signature along with occupation, address and phone number
There may be a charge for doing this, so you should check with the certifying person beforehand.
Once we receive your documents we’ll write to you to let you know we’ve updated our records. Until then, we’ll continue to write to you using your old name.
Please send your documents to: Landmark Mortgages, PO Box 115, Skipton, BD23 9FE.